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Hair Transplant


Hair transplantation is a surgical application applied to people who have lost their hair after shedding. Hair transplantation is the process of transferring the hair follicles taken from the healthy and non-shedding area of the person to the target area with the help of modern medical applications. After hair transplantation, in most cases, it is seen that hair grows back in the transplanted area.

Hair transplantation is one of the most common aesthetic operations for men, as almost half of men over the age of 50 are faced with hair loss. Hair loss is not only unique to men, it is also a condition that can be encountered among women.


Although hair loss is mostly due to genetic factors, in some cases, it can also occur as a result of aging, traumatic injuries and various medical conditions. Hair transplantation can be applied to every individual who has sufficient hair follicles in his body, and can be successfully transplanted to the head area, beards, eyebrows and all other areas where hair is expected.


Hair follicles taken from the area determined as a donor in the operation are transplanted to the targeted area, these hair follicles are called grafts. In some cases, when there are not enough healthy grafts in the head, grafts can be taken from the arm, leg or chest region of the person.

Hair transplantation operation can be performed in a few hours depending on the rate of hair loss and the amount of hair to be transported, but in some patients, it may be seen that more than one session is required as the bald area can be very large. Generally, the hair transplant operation is performed under local anesthesia with sedation, and after the treatment, a special bandage is applied to the head of the individual and the patient is discharged after 1-2 hours of observation.

Hair loss is known as the inability of the hair to renew itself. A normal hair loss is the loss of 80-100 hairs per day. Spills above this amount are not normal and should be treated medically. In cases where shedding continues despite the treatments applied, hair transplantation can be applied.
