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Gastric Band

In this surgical method, a silicone band is attached to the upper part of the stomach to create a volume of approximately 25-30 cc. This band is called a clamp. 4-6 weeks after the operation, the cuff is inflated by injecting liquid into the chamber with the help of an injector and the passage from the upper stomach to the lower stomach is narrowed. The diameter of the clamp can be easily adjusted at any time thanks to the port placed under the skin. When the patient reaches the ideal weight, the band is loosened. It is a reversible method since no anatomical changes are made in the digestive system.

Since gastric banding is a reversible operation, this operation is the first choice for many patients. If the patient is psychologically ready and will pay attention to his diet after reaching his ideal weight after the operation, he can lose 60% of his excess weight within 2 years with the help of this method .

Complications such as vomiting, allergic reactions, infection, ulcer formation, hernia or slippage of the clamp or penetration into the stomach may occur after the operation due to the stenosis in the stomach.
